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About Me, and My Goals

Hai! My name is Aninditya Zahira Widyanti, people call me Ditha, Anin, Pinyo, Yanti yea I have lots of nicknames. I was born in New South Wales, 9th of January 2002, but I am Indonesian (Java and Sundanese). I live in Bandung, Indonesia with dad, mom and my one and only big sister. In this post, I want to tell you about myself. So, I am a person who is easy to get along with and communicate with various types of people because for me, the most important lesson comes from someone's experience, so it's very interesting to know someone's experience and how they deal with it, it gives me a lot of knowledge to live. My friends also say that I am a good person, because I haven't found a reason why people can hate people, everyone must have flaws, right? I am also not too concerned about people's opinions about me, and it is very good to be alive in this world. because this world is full of human thoughts that can affect your mind, yea I'm that type of person that's just want to live life like a normal person and be happy. I am a person who wants to be different, I do not like uniformity in any way, because I really like the diversity of people, characters, appearance, etc. 

I really loves myself, so I treat myself like an expensive item, haha JK. in fact, do not like to spoil myself, I like activities that taught me to stay alive even in any bad situation such as natural exploration and river rafting. I like to learn anything, especially learning for life, like loving, caring etc. What I don't like about myself is when I'm feeling down, it really take times for me to get up and face the situation again. I'm that kind of person that don't show my feelings if it makes people hate me, which makes my mind not free. 

My goals in life is, I want to be fully human, man of good character, positive thoughts, spirit of independent, patient and caring person, who can enjoy and live my life properly and not bother others. Sounds simple but in reality quite difficult to do. And I really hope that one day I can make my parents proud of me, I can repay them with my success. 

Talk about school or further education, I really haven't thought about it but I will definitely plan it as soon as possible, what I hope is that wherever and in any faculty I run college, I hope I can run it well and the knowledge can be useful for me. 


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Thank You Mr. Asep!!

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Edupassion : Agranasta

Hello guys so I want to tell u about my past experience, I haven't write and post on my blog for a long time so here I back.  On January 25th, 2019, my school make an event. It is called Edu Passion : Agranasta. The purpose of this event is to introduce a college and a college life. On this event me and my friends decided to come to the stand so we can learn more about college. I came to many stand from different college such as ITB, UI, UNISBA, UNJANI and many more,  We learnt so much from Edu Passion. I hope that SMAN 3 will held another Edu Passion neat year. Here's the picture from my phone. This photo's taken by me. It's  my friends Kinanti, Rifdah, and Aulia.