Halo guys i want to share about one of the event in my school, its called Bakdes. Bakdes held in Kertasari Village. At this event, we stay for 3 days and two nights. I stay at villager’s house which is Mr. Ali’s house with my friends. They are Alyfa and Aninditya. Mr. Ali lives with his wife and his children. Mr. Ali’s family is very kind and humble. Me and my friends helped him at his field. We were so having fun.
Today i want to tell you about my blessing experience when i was in elementary school. One day, in the morning before i go to school, my mom and my dad said that after me and my sister finished school that day, we will go to Jakarta to visit uncle's house. So, I was very happy that day, I was so excited and felt like i want to go home immediately. When school had finished, it's 12.00 and i immediately wait in front of school gate to be picked up. My friend ask me to go home together, I refused that, I said that i will be picked up by my father. After waited a bit longer, and my friends have gone one by one, I felt worried because my dad had not come yet. It's 13.30 and my dad had not come to picked me yet, i felt very worried. There was no one in the school, there is only a security guard. When it's 14.00 i felt so worried and i cried, and then a security, Mr. Ase...
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