Keripik Kecantoel Visi : Terwujudnya Kecantoel menjadi Cemilan yang dapat mempertahankan kualitas makanan khas Indonesia dengan menarik dan diterima berbagai kalangan masyarakat sebagai cemilan yang dapat merambat hingga potensi pasar yang besar. Misi: 1. Proaktif dalam mencari market yang ada baik di FH UNPAR maupun di luar lingkungan kampus. 2. Inovatif dalam mengkampanyekan produk agar sesuai dengan kondisi terkini agar memperluas pengetahuan konsumen terhadap Kecantoel. 3. Memberikan kepuasan terhadap pelanggan. 4. Mencari keuntungan dengan modal kecil. SWOT: Rencana Operasional Tentunya dengan melihat hasil survey lapangan yang dilakukan, maka kami akan melakukan penjualan baik menggunakan metode online maupun offline . ...
Dear Mrs. Dania, I write this letter to recommend Rifdah Fawwaz as one of the representative of SMAN 3 Bandung in this scholarship program. I have known her for the last 3 years and I am very grateful that I can get the opportunities to become her teacher in SMAN 3 Bandung. She is a very humble and kind. She is very popular among the students because of her kindness. She is also a good friend. There are many of her friends who likes to talk with her. That's why she has many friends in this school. She is also very happy about everything. She has a beautiful and positive mind. She also has great score in the school. She has a very great score in biology and she wants to be a doctor. I hope that you can approve her to become one of the member of this scholarship program so she can have a better progress in her study and show that she can be a bright student. If you have any question about her, you can call me at 081410353333 Yours sincerely,